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Writer's pictureGavriel Ewart

Purchasing For The Trashcan

The Cycle Begins

Ever since the rise of fast fashion and fashion influencers, we have stepped into a social construction where having endless access to clothing and styles is associated with glamor and the elite lifestyle.

Styles from last week are being replaced by this week's fashion, shelves are clearing, and ‘clothing hauls’ are posted on social media platforms by the various fashion influencers who are associated with that brand.

Examining the Lie

The unfortunate result, the viewers of these videos are blinded by the heaps of clothing and therefore are unable to see that these influencers not only were paid to show the clothing, but the clothing was gifted to them for free.

The reality of purchasing a plentiful array of clothing every single week is less of an actuality and more of a cloak of an idealistic utopian fashion fantasy that has succeeded in blinding all consumers.

Celebrities and influencers are the medium used to present this idea of life that is not rationally attainable. The everyday consumer is then pressured to put weekend shopping sprees on their credit card bill, old fashion in the trash, and wounds on the environment.

The Fear of Outfit Repeating in our Elitist Society

The conclusive fear of the everyday fashion enthusiast is that in order to be viewed by society as enough, or relevant, they must participate in this cycle of mass fashion waste in order to never appear in public wearing the same item they wore the week before. They must fall obedient to the social norm of endless options, overconsumption, and false realities.

Styling Your Truth Goggles

Rather than succumbing to this false fashion reality, try to remember the root of the fashion concept. Remember that fashion isn’t an endless array of styles cycling through, it’s tailoring various attire to your own body type, skin tone, hair color, and personal preference. Fashion is having the ability and privilege to choose a unique and quality piece from a line up, paying the price for quality, and keeping it in your wardrobe for your lifetime. Then finally, when you’re doing your spring cleaning, you come across that one blouse that made you feel so beautiful. Then you remember, this was the blouse I bought before my first interview, this was the blouse that gave me the confidence to be proud of my work for the first time.

Fashion has the ability to induce feelings that you might not have been able to create on your own. Fashion is your uniform, it’s what makes you remember who you are and what you’re presenting to the rest of the world.

Fashion is not a logo on a t-shirt proclaiming to the world that you can afford to buy a lie.

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